Monday, April 12, 2010

This and That

It's been a few days so I have a bit of catching up to do. Emma Kathryn is doing well. For the past several nights she has decided to be awake and fussy from11:00 pm - 3:00 am. This is a rough time to be up but I am surviving.

I got my flowers planted and they look great. I hope they survive. I tend to have a black instead of green thumb. I have also been working in a garden. My grandparents plant a garden every year and I decided to help them this year. We have planted corn, green beans, butter beans, cucumbers, turnip greens, okra and squash. We still have tomatoes, peppers, watermelons and cantaloupes left to plant. I have enjoyed spending time with Granny and Papaw. Most of the time Papaw and I work in the garden and Granny keeps the baby. I am guilty of not spending as much time with them as I should have in the past but am determined to remedy that since I'm no longer working. More often than not their generation gets kicked under the rug but if we would spend time with them and learn from them we would be much better off.

Emma Kathryn attended her first baseball game today. Ethan's team played Levi's team and Houston had a game also. We decided it would be a good time to go watch so we could kill 3 birds with 1 stone. She really enjoyed it. She took in all of her surroundings. We have been outside a good bit but every time she has been asleep. This was the first time she was awake and she loved it. I'm glad she did because now we have yo watch Caleb, Hayden, Sydney and Mackenzie play. Hopefully we can go to their games before the weather is to hot.

It's time to get munchkin to bed so farewell for the night.


kimberly t. bowling said...

I am totally with you on the older generation....there's a wealth of wisdom to be gathered from them, if only we take the time. And it certainly makes us stop and smell the roses so to speak....they usually run at a slower pace than the worldly rat race! I love bringing Temple's grandparents up to stay with us for a few days, there's nothing like having the kids GREAT grandparents to play a vital part in shaping their lives!

Plus, it sounds like you'll be reaping double the rewards when the crops come in!! :)

The Cannons said...

So glad ya'll go to come! She will soon be following in her Momma's cheerleading footsteps!!ha She is so precious and you are doing a wonderful job as her precious Mommy! Still seeing a little bit of my Houst-o in her.:) But I will have to say "Lindsey Likeness" is strong!!