Friday, April 16, 2010


I took Emma Kathryn to have her picture made yesterday. Mom and Lindsey went with me to help. I didn't know how she would do because of her fussy nature but she did great. I was shocked. I never thought we would be able to get such good pics. They are precious. Lindsey has the CD from the photo shoot but I will get it back today and hopefully gets some of the pics posted tonight or tomorrow.
She also slept so good last night. It was wonderful. She ate at 8:30 and was asleep by about 9:15. Then she woke up at 12:30, ate and went right back to sleep. I thought wow this is great but I sure dreaded the next feeding because I new I was due for a fuss. Then at 4:30 she woke up to eat again. I really dreaded her eating now because not only had she not fussed all night but she also just slept for 4 hours. Amazingly she ate fussed about 30 min and back to sleep she went. It was wonderful. I hope we can keep this up. Most of the time if she sleeps good it is only for one night but maybe we can make it 2 in a row. Hopefully since she is getting older and a bit fatter she will start being more content. I also swaddled her last night and I think it helped. We did this when we first brought her home but then stopped because I didn't think she liked it. Yesterday I read some articles on Google (Yes I was desperate for some sleep) that said swaddling helps babies sleep who have reflux or are over stimulated. Emma Kathryn is both so I figured I would give it a shot again. Needless to say we will be swaddling again tonight. Its not easy to get Houdini's arms swaddled and usually by the time she wakes up she had managed to get them out but she does go to sleep faster this way so we will continue to try this method.
The laundry fairy didn't stop at my house this week so I have piles wating for me and they don't seem to be washing themselves while I blog so I better get busy. Hope to have pics to post later.

1 comment:

Hollyhand House said...

I google everything!! Not to mention how many books I have read especially on sleep! haha Jennifer Clark recommended the book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child written by Dr. Marc Weissbluth. I really like it. He also wrote The Fussy Child. I have learned so much from books and articles I have read...and I actually thought I knew a lot about babies! By the way...EK is so pretty!! Good luck with everything!