Saturday, February 5, 2011

Continuing On

I was made aware by an anonymous person that I left a few "Emma Kathryn Facts" off of my last posting. The first of those facts were that she is saying "Da Da". I wonder who that anonymous person was, ha ha. She also says "HI"when the phone rings and she holds anything, (phone, shoe, cup, bottle) to her ear. She also is waving bye-bye and patty-caking. I have a video of her playing her piano and dancing that is hilarious but due to my last video upload I am not even going to attempt to put in on the blog. Lindsey is coming over later and if she is feeling brave then maybe you will get to see it after all. She now also has 6 teeth and is working on number 7. She is in my lap and there is drool all over us both. I guess that covers it for now. Mom, Lindsey and Sara are on there way over. We are going to attempt the birthday cookies again. Maybe it will not be a disaster this time. Gotta Go!!

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