Sunday, August 22, 2010

I Scream, You Scream...


Micah and I let Emma Kathryn eat a mini Ice Cream Sandwich Sunday. She loved it. It was so funny. At first she didn't really know what to do with it, thus she smashed it in her hands. Then she started trying to suck on the pieces I would give her, then she resorted to just sucking it off the tray she had smeared it all over.

(disclaimer: this is not an every day occurrence for us. We don't usually give our child chocolate or ice cream)

1 comment:

Hollyhand House said...

This is SO cute...I love how she is licking the tray! Anna Riley loves ice cream too and her Papa Doug loves giving it to her! I started out being really strict about not letting her have anything like that but my feeling on it is if she eats really good then its ok to have a treat every now and then! :)