Monday, August 16, 2010

Catch Up

I am a bit behind on my blogging. I have had trouble uploading images but hopefully it is fixed now.

Since my last post, Emma Kathryn has turned 5 months old. I can't believe it. She has really changed lately. She finally has her own personality.

A few stats:
-She laughs all of the time
-She is sleeping in her own bed, praise God
-She still wakes up for a feeding each night but goes right back to sleep
-She weighs about 14 lb, 2 oz (that's us weighing her at home)
-She is still wearing mostly 3 mo clothes but some 3-6
-She is in a size 2 diaper and a size 1 shoe (big feet, I know)
-She is always happy in the morning when she wakes up
-She has become the queen of cat naps
-She fights sleep like a true warrior, but Mom always wins :-)
-She loves bath time, I have to have a bath cloth for me and one for her or
she takes mine
-She still hates her car seat
-She loves being outside, she doesn't care that it is over 100 degrees
-She has discovered Zeke and wants to get her hands on her so bad but he moves around to much and she isn't fast enough
-She still loves to ride the golf cart
-She got her toes painted for the first time (compliments of Aunt Christi N)
-She will not lay on her back at all. She immediately flips to her belly.
-She is loving baby food, We have tried: sweet potatoes, squash, peas, bananas, apples, peaches, and pears. She loves it all.

It is heartbreaking to watch your baby grow up so quickly. I was so thankful when she reached 3 mo old (finally the end of colic) but now I am ready for her to slow down!!

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