Thursday, July 1, 2010


Well, once again it's been a while. You would think that since I am a stay at home mom I would have time to blog. Not the case, if I wanted a break I should have kept working. Since my last blog I have canned squash, tomatoes, sweet pickle relish, dill pickles and have frozen squash, okra, and peppers. The garden and my little one have kept me very busy but with rewarding work. Needless to say I love my "job" and wouldn't trade it for the world.
Emma Kathryn is doing great. She has discovered her feet and wants nothing more than to get them to her mouth. She also has started trying to hold her bottle. She does a pretty good job of it too. As I type she is laying on her boppy holding her bottle and drinking her milk. I have finally got her on an eating schedule and she is also on a somewhat sleeping schedule. She eats every 3 hours about 4 1/2 oz and she sleeps from about 9:00 pm until 7:00 am waking around 12 and 6 to eat. It is so nice when she wakes up at 7:00 because now instead of screaming she wakes up smiling and "talking." I have been trying to get her to sleep in her bed but have been unsuccessful. Usually as soon as I lay her down she wakes up screaming and she doesn't stop until we pick her up. I know all the books say let them "cry it out" but my baby doesn't stop. For example: the car seat, she hates. A few weeks ago I went with my mom to Birmingham to drop of my Granny at my Aunts house. When we left she started crying and she didn't stop until we turned in my driveway and I got her out of her seat. She has also screamed from Tuscaloosa all the way home numerous times. My cousin Caleb went to Fayette with us yesterday and he said she needed a volume button before she blew a gasket.
We have a beach trip planned for the end of the month and I can't wait. We are going with Mom and Coach. I hope Emma Kathryn likes it. We had planned to go to Orange Beach but thanks to BP we are now going to Myrtle Beach. I am sure it will be an interesting 1o hour drive with a screaming munchkin but oh well. A week at the beach will be worth it. She enjoys watching TV and we have a borrowed DVD player for the car so I pray it will be an ear saver.
She is finished with her bottle so its time to rock her to sleep. Happy blogging until next time.


The Cannons said...

Oh my goodness!! Sweet,sweet picture! Love yall.:)

kimberly t. bowling said...

She is so precious...and keeping you BUSY!! :)

I hope y'all have a fantastic beach trip...and a low drama car ride. :)