Saturday, April 24, 2010

All is Well

Nothing new going on at the Bozeman household. Emma Kathryn is doing well. She has slept good for the last two nights but we still haven't made it for three in a row so we will see what tonight holds. I had a wild hair yesterday and got all of my hair cut off. I was tired of having to wear it in a ponytail or clean vomit out of it all day so I had it cut off. Of course, since today is a new day I regret cutting it but it will grow back. I have never been one to really worry about a haircut. I have had short hair before and it has always grown back. I thought Micah was going to have a duck when he saw it this morning. He had to stay at the store late last night so I was in bed when he got home so I made it through the night without his fussing. He has learned it's best not to say much about my hair because I am going to do what I want with it. Hope everyone has a great, safe weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think your hair looks really cute! Don't regret it :)